Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Give Me A Break

Last night while watching "The Unit" (a great show by the way), I got my annual jolt of rampant commercialism. Sure, it happens every year. Sure, it's usual to complain that it comes earlier every year but now they are really pushing it. I am beyond sick of it! If you haven't guessed yet, I saw my first Christmas commercial yesterday.

Let's see where we are in this. Yesterday was October 24th. Halloween would still be a week away. Thanksgiving is still 30 days away, making that a full month. Christmas is 62 days away or longer than 2 months. Argh. How long will it be before these commercials are pushed ahead of Labor Day. Don't laugh, it's probably coming.

I think this even has Santa scratching his head in disbelief. I just want to get through the deer season without having to think about Christmas and it's commercialism and I surely think we should get by Halloween safely. Give me a break, please!

I could be wrong about these holiday commercials coming earlier each year and it's only a false perception, as I have been told. I am going to find out. The date of this years first Christmas commercial seen by me is now documented (24 Oct.) on this blog. I will watch this in the coming years and see if there is a slow creeping towards summertime.

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