Thursday, August 31, 2006

New Beta Blogger Advice

If anyone is planning on using the Beta Blogger with it's new templates, here is one piece of advice. Do not publish your labels with capitols. Use small case when creating your labels. At some point if you used capitalization the template will revert to small caps for all your labels. You will then have two (2) of each label listed in your sidebar. Argh.

Note the labels in my sidebar. I created a new label for this post (blogging) using small case and it occurs only once. I, also, used an old label for this post (computing) and it occurs twice. Once with capitalization and once without. Each instance shows it's own number of occurrences, also. My label list is long enough already. Imagine the mess this will create in the sidebar with dual labels for everything. And each with it's own count.

I wish I would have known about this issue before I started labeling everything. I think I must go back and manually change all my labels. Damn. I hope this helps others before they get in too deep.

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