Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Belated Announcement

Some of you may have noticed that I have not posted for a while. I have been gone from my computer and up at my hunting lodge lately. Deer Hunting is in full swing in this neck of the woods and I have taken time to participate, as I do every year. Last week, in my haste to get out the door and head north I thought I had announced this on my blog. I came into town today to vote and decided to check this site. To my dismay I never made the post. At any rate here is the belated version.

I will be at the hunting lodge until the middle of next week and you can expect no posts from me until my return. I am sorry I didn't make this announcement sooner and apologize profusely. I hope everyone returns later when the blog is back in full swing.

Wish me luck!


Matt said...

Bag one for me.

The Gamin said...

I'm tryin' matt.